Cristal of my Life


The Roman Bridge

250 meters (820 ft.) long and based on 16 ancient Roman foundations, the Roman Bridge majestically spans over the Guadalquivir river just in front of the famous Mezquita Mosque.

As many constructions in Cordoba, the Roman bridge has a long lasting history to tell. Built under the command of the Roman emperor Augustus, the Moors in 918 extended the bridge to the state in which it appears today. At all times this bridge was of enormous significance for the city. Once part of an important Roman commercial and military route, the bridge played a key role in medieval times, when people protected their city against attacks of Peter the Cruel. Today, thousands of tourists are promenading on the bridge as they are heading to the Calahorra tower or backward to the old quarter.

In the middle of the bridge there can be found a statue of San Rafael, the patron of Cordoba. The statue was created in 1651. Many Cordobans make a short stop here for a prayer or to set a candle alight.

(Córdoba, 2009)